Privacy Policy

Exotic Shoreline Restaurant is concerned about securing your privacy. This page (along with other sections on it) clarifies our customers who place orders through our app or the random visitors of this page how their information is accumulated and used by our site while giving you our service. Please go through these terms and conditions before using our app.

Contact Details About Us

In case of any query or request about our privacy policy, you can drop a line to us through our email at

Collecting Your Personal Information

We take your personal data when you use our services by either visiting our page or when you place an order. We also collect your personal information when you interact with us or when you complete any customer survey. We accumulate your personal data:

When you create an account on our website or make changes to it
When you order to buy something from our website
When you show your willingness to have interaction with us through email, phone, or post
When you contact us yourself through email, phone, or any other source
When you use our site or browse it before creating an account on our site
Kind of Information We Collect

Since we are highly concerned about your privacy and its protection, we want to clarify the kind of information we collect about you.

When you place an order on our website, we collect your information by asking for your name, contact details, delivery address, and details about your order and source of payment (debit or credit card information). In case of buying age-restricted items, we may collect information about your date of birth to confirm your age.

We take your information when you post any kind of message on our site or interact with us through your feedback via email, letter, or phone.

We also collect technical information from your device, like the IP address of your mobile device when you contact us or the operating system of the computer through which you contact us. We also collect information about the type of connection.

We collect information about your mobile device when you use our services through it, such as the QR code or use of vouchers.

Using Your Information

We are wholly concerned about your privacy, which is why we would only use your information when there is a reason for doing so. Moreover, we would do so only when data protection law permits. 

We use your information when you request us to provide you with our services or make a contract with us. We use information about you to provide you with the services you have requested. We also use it in order to give you access to the related parts of our site, to sort out any issue you face while making an order or using our services, and to collect payment.


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